
The Planninghub-Push Service is a service of the Simacan platform that makes it possible to share orders/planning more easily between parties, without direct integrations that have to be maintained and in an automated manner. As a shipper and carrier, you only need one connection and that is with Simacan. So no more separate connections with different carriers or different shippers.

How does it work

  1. A shipper/organization delivers orders/planning to the Simacan platform.
  2. Simacan can use the Planninghub-Push Service to send these to the TMS system of the carrier that also uses Simacan, in OTM5 standard.

How does it work technically

We provide, among other things, the following in terms of service:

  • Once we have the correct endpoint details, we can send scheduling data. Our data is in the hierarchical JSON structure.
  • All updates are sequential, they are always sent in the order updates are made. Even if the connection is lost for any reason, we will send all updates so that you get a complete picture of the changes and how they were implemented (within a time frame of less than 96 hours).
  • Trip planning data includes planned trip, stop, drop, leg, vehicle, and location data. eCMR credentials are included in the v5 extension.
  • *We will use the OTM5 standard, but most fields are optional. What you receive can therefore differ per ride.
  • What's not included: Data enriched along the way, such as eCMR status, vehicle location update metadata, actual or estimated times, operationalized comments as seen in Control Tower. Our updates always contain the full status of the planning.

What is needed to use this?

Both the shipper and the carrier must use the Simacan platform. To use the functionality, you can contact the designated Customer Success Manager who can assist a fast implementation.

View the Simacan Developer Portal for detailed technical instructions: