
This quarter we have implemented some great improvements on the Simacan platform. Read further about whats's new.


April was all about developments to the Simacan backend, like improving our IT architecture to support future developments.


⚠️DC Arrival Display improvements

We have added multiple improvements to the DC Arrival Display, for example; extended filter options, a renewed header and an option to provide feedback. For details check the article below:

Planned roadworks and roadclosures visible on the map

It was already possible to select multiple 'layers' on the map. Now it's also possible to show the planned roadworks and roadclosures, which will be made visible on the map. The Simacan platform takes these restrictions into account when calculating the expected time of arrival.


⚠️Store Arrival Display: ETA shown more prominently

From now on it's an option to show the expected time of arrival (ETA) instead of the ''planned time'' + ''amount of delayed minutes''. Thanks to this, the ETA is more easy to see and users do not have to calculate it themselves by adding the delayed minutes up to the planned time. Besides this it's also possible to hide the ''25 minutes delay'' banner on the right side of the screen. This may result in more peace on the side of the receiving party, as in the end the most important question is if the delivery is within the agreed time window.

Option 1: Dot with delay + planned time

Option 2: Emtpy dot + Expected time of arrival + hiding the delay banner

Are there any features you don't have enabled but would like to use or do you have feedback or questions about these release notes? Please contact us via