
Simacan provides several applications that require you to log in as a user. There are several ways to accomplish this. This article provides an overview of the different methods of login.

Workspace name

When logging into the Simacan applications you are often asked for a Workspace name. This workspace name indicates which environment you want to log into. You will have received this name from the administrator of your Simacan environment.

You may not have received the workspace name as such, but you did receive a direct URL to an application in which the workspace name is included. As an example, when you log in with the URL, mycompany is your workspace name.

If you have access to the Simacan platform through multiple parties, it may be that you are logging into different workspaces. In that case, the workspace name determines which environment you can access.

Logging in without a direct application URL

If you want to login to the Simacan applications, but do not yet have a direct URL to the application, you can use the login screen on the Simacan website ( or You will find a Sign In button in the upper right corner.

On the screen that follows you can choose one of the Simacan applications and you will be asked to enter a workspace name. After you have entered this and clicked Login you will be taken to the login screen of the relevant application. Then follow the login procedure as described below for logging in with an application URL.

Logging in with an application URL

When you have received a direct application URL from your administrator, you may have received a URL with a workspace name, or without a workspace name.

URL with workspace name
URL without a workspace name

For URLs without a workspace name, Simacan may start asking for your workspace name in the future.

When you navigate to this URL you will see a login screen similar to the image below.

The screen may be slightly different depending on the IT settings of your environment. The logo corresponds to the logo of the organization of the workspace you are logging into. Also, the language settings may be missing, the Forgot Password? link may be missing, the Stay Logged In box may be absent, or there may be links under the Login button that allow you to log in with an external system, such as a Google identity or an integration with your organization's login system.

Please note that if the user has a small screen and/or low resolution, the SSO option at the bottom of the screen may drop off, and scrolling may be required to click it!


If you are not using remote system login, you will have received a username and password when you first accessed the Simacan applications. If you did not receive a username or password you can request one from the administrator of your Simacan environment.

Your username is almost always an email address. The first time you are granted access, or after recovering your password, you will receive a temporary password that is only valid once. Immediately after logging in with this temporary password, you will be asked to choose a new permanent password. Please note that this password is only known to you and cannot be viewed by Simacan. If you forget your password you will have to restore your password.

Recover password

If you have forgotten your password or want to change your password, click on the link Forgot password?. You will then see the screen below.

You then fill in the e-mail address with which you have access to the Simacan platform. If the email address is known to us, you will receive an email with instructions to create a new password. If you have forgotten the email address with which you are known to us or are still using a user name that is not an email address, we ask you to contact the administrator of the Simacan applications in your organization.

Logging in with an external identity

If your workspace is linked to an external identity system you will see one or more links to these external systems at the bottom of the login screen. For example, a Google identity or a Microsoft identity. When you click on the link to the external system you will be taken to the login screen of the external system where you log in with your identity. After logging in to the external system, you will be redirected directly to the Simacan application. If you need help logging in to the external system please contact your administrator.

Logged in but no access

It may happen that you are able to log in to the Simacan platform, but are subsequently unable to access an application. This can happen when you log in to another application than the one you are authorized to access. In that case, please contact the administrator of the Simacan applications within your organization.

Logging in with a shared link 

It may be that you have received a link to specific information in the Simacan platform, for example because a colleague has shared a ride with you. In that case, you may have received a link that begins with When you navigate to this link you will first be asked to enter a workspace name. For more information, see the Workspace Name section at the top of this article.

After entering the workspace name you will be taken to the login screen for that workspace.